A medium size hardy bamboo that produces straight, erect culms. Culm and branch leaves are persistent. A moderately spreading plant used as an ornamental and for hedges and screening. Reportedly quite tolerant of salt air.
Performance Pleioblastus simonii Medake or Simon (Zone 7) |
Pronunciation Pleioblastus simonii Medake or Simon |
Botanical Latin is essentially a written language ....
How they are pronounced really matters little provided they sound pleasant and are understood by all concerned... |
Name | Botanical | Alternate | Meaning |
Pleioblastus | plee-o-blast-us | From the Greek pleio - many and blastos meaning germ, bud or sprout | |
simonii | SI-mon-ee-eye | SE-MOAN-ee-eye |
Uses Pleioblastus simonii Medake or Simon |
Edible shoots | Good | Hedge | Good |
House | 6 hours min. sun | Wood quality | Good |
Container | Good | Crafts | Good |
Screen | Excellent | Ornamental | Good |