Friendly name: Sasaella SAM

Sasaella masamuneana albostriata

Maximum Height: 6'
Maximum Diameter: 0 1/4"
Minimum Temperature: -3° F
Does best in 1/2 day sun.
Spreading: Aggressive
ID: Grif 13936 01 PL

Sasaella masamuneana albostriata

Attractive variegated bamboo with thick leaves that are striped in white or cream. Also called Sasaella glabra albostriata.

Sasaella masamuneana albostriata (Zone 7)
Sasaella masamuneana albostriata
Sasaella masamuneana albostriata...
First year
Bamboo - Sasaella masamuneana albostriata First year growth photo

Second year
Bamboo - Sasaella masamuneana albostriata Second year growth photo

Third year
Bamboo - Sasaella masamuneana albostriata Third year growth photo

Fourth year
Bamboo - Sasaella masamuneana albostriata Fourth year growth photo

Fifth year
Bamboo - Sasaella masamuneana albostriata Fifth year growth photo
Sasaella masamuneana albostriata

Botanical Latin is essentially a written language .... How they are pronounced really matters little provided they sound pleasant and are understood by all concerned...
W.T. Stearn an authority on Botanical Latin

Name Botanical Alternate Meaning
Sasaella SAS-uh-ELL-uh    
masamuneana mas-uh-MUN-ee-an-uh    
albostriata al-BO-stree-AH-tuh    

Sasaella masamuneana albostriata
Edible shoots Too small Hedge Good
House 2 hours min. sun Wood quality Thin wall
Container Excellent Crafts Poor
Screen High branching Ornamental Excellent
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